
Showing posts from July, 2021
BIMONTHLY BLENDED ASSESSMENT-JULY 2021                                                                                                                        -103 CH.PAVAN SESHA SAI BELOW IS THE LINK TO THE QUESTIONS ASKED TO US : QUESTION 1 Competency tested for Peer to peer review and assessment :  PALLI RAKESH 101 PEER REVIEW For the peer review i chose 101 rakesh's elog:- 1:The review is presented in brief and very well described.  A detailed pinpoint review to each case which help in easy analysis. Even though the peer review was short they are well described  2:Review of different cases like pulmonology ,cardiology ,nephrology ,hepatic diseases are well described. 3:All the reviews are brief and the investigations are described for understanding of the case. 4: The overall review and personal experience review is quite good. I'm sure that the patient centered approach of collec
 GENERAL MEDICINE ASSESSMENT -JULY 2021                                    - 103 CH.PAVAN QUESTION 1 Please go through one particular answer of ten students in this link: generalmedicinedepartment. bimonthly-formative-and- summative_19.html?m=1 and share your peer review of each answer with your quantitative marking input as well as qualitative insights into what was good or bad about the answer. ANSWER 1 LINK 1: -CASE OF PULMONOLOGY Quantitative: 7/10 Qualitative: the evolution of symptomology is clearly explained in bulleted points. primary etiology is brief and to the point. mechanism of action, indications, efficacy of drugs is explained. usage of abbreviations can be reduced, overall it is well written and easy to comprehend. ANSWER 2 LINK2: -CASE OF PULMONOLOGY Quantitative: 5/10 Qualitative: the side headings and matter cannot be clearly differentiated by text and the presented form is n